
Based on information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics1, millennials will make up approximately 34 percent of the labor force by 2024. In fact, they overtook Gen Xers as the largest part of the workforce2 back in 2015. But, even though this generation accounts for nearly one-in-three workers today, many are still fighting against stereotypes when it comes to securing employment.

As a millennial job candidate, you likely must fight against the myths that have made their way into the workplace and the mindset of hiring managers. However, it is possible to show how these notions don’t apply to you with a little planning and effort. To help you combat the bad rap associated with being a millennial, here are some tips for putting these stereotypes to rest.

Millennials Are Lazy

While it’s true that some millennials (and members of any other generation) are lazy, that isn’t the norm. The source of this perception is often based on how millennials use technology to work smarter instead of harder. In some cases, a job that previously took 40 hours a week to complete can now be done in fewer hours thanks to advances in process automation and the increased capabilities of the tools used to do the work.

By explaining how you leverage technology to be successful (e.g., doing a thorough job in less time because of your familiarity with updated systems and methodologies), you can show you are fully capable of performing the duties of the position efficiently. Follow up with your desire to take on new tasks as time allows, and concerns about your work ethic will likely dissipate.

Millennials Need Constant Reassurance

Many managers believe millennial workers need unending feedback to be successful, often equating it to constant “hand holding”. However, many members of this generation work well with limited guidance and can even work remotely with ease.

If you need to show a hiring manager this stereotype doesn’t apply to you, a simple way to do so is explaining what sort of feedback you prefer based on your prior experiences. For example, if you had weekly check-ins with a previous manager to ensure everything was on track and that gave you enough information to feel confident in your abilities, providing the situation as an example can alleviate the interviewer’s concerns.

Millennials Lack Loyalty

The millennial generation certainly got a bad rap when they were labeled habitual job hoppers. However, on average, millennials actually job hopped less than previous generations3, and when they do, it is often to advance their careers.

If your resume shows you’ve made a few job changes in your recent past, discuss the reasoning behind the moves. For example, if you accepted new positions that offered promotional opportunities, increased responsibilities and the ability to learn new skills, then your time spent with multiple companies might make you a stronger candidate than someone who has more longevity but less growth. On the flip side, if you sought out new opportunities ever year or so just because you wanted something new or got bored, it would clearly not go over well with a prospective employer.

Much of the stigma associated with the millennial generation is undeserved, but it still must be managed. By showing how your experiences make you an efficient and productive employee who thrives on new challenges and craves responsibility and accountability, you can resolve any concerns a hiring manager may have regarding how these preconceived notions apply to you.

Work With a Top Staffing Agency in Atlanta

If you are looking for a new job in your field, the recruiters at Employ Partners can help you find the right kind of opportunities to keep your career moving forward. To see what may be available in your area, contact us today to work with a top staffing agency in Atlanta.

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