
You may have no experience with the warehouse positions you’re applying for, but here are three ways to stand out! There’s still a chance to gain a competitive edge and secure the job you’ve been eyeing. With a little behind-the-scenes footwork you can show managers that you have the skills it takes to do the job.

Let’s explore how to highlight what you bring to the table.

Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are the name of the game if you apply for something you don’t have experience for. A transferable skill is something that you are skilled at in one area that can be applied elsewhere. For example, if you worked a retail job organizing merchandise and you have great time management skills, both of those skills would apply to being a stocker in a warehouse. As a stocker, you could keep track of where everything is located, prioritize what shipments need to be prepared first, and keep the warehouse floor neat and tidy. The best way to know which skills are transferable is to thoroughly read the job description. Once you know what the employer is looking for you pick your top transferable skills. Then you will have a great foundation with which to enter the interview.

Soft Skills

Soft skills are skills that aren’t technical in nature but refer to how you work and your ability to work with others. Examples of soft skills would be problem-solving, leadership, and conflict resolution. Developing soft skills will help you in any field.  Additionally, the environment in warehouses can be fast-paced with many people touching the same product. You need to be able to work well with co-workers, managers that will inspect your work, and possibly even customers. Managers look for candidates who are motivated and show leadership potential.

Be Specific

Finally, be sure to be specific. Come into the interview with examples of why you would qualify. Furthermore, be sure to listen throughout the interview. Look for problems the manager might mention that you could solve. Connect with other workers from the company online and ask them about the company and their work. Do your research. Being able to meet a specific need or fill in a gap is something a manager will tend to remember.

At the end of the day walking into your interview with confidence will help you land a position. Be ready to learn and open to connecting. With a teachable attitude, you will be on your way to landing a job in no time.

Ready to Apply?

Now that you know even with no experience, you still have three ways to stand out, maybe you’re ready to apply! If you’re looking for something in the warehouse space, we have open positions for you! Our job offerings range in skill level and there is something for every job seeker. If you know someone who needs a job, send them to us! If we hire them you could win a gift card! Apply today and let one of our recruiters help you highlight your unique skills and abilities to land the job you’re hoping for! Use our contact us page or call our Kennesaw or Jasper offices today!

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